Saturday, June 25, 2016

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

This by far has been the most interesting class in the program! I have learned so most that I can apply to my daily life that will make me a better educational professional. One hope that I have when I think about working with children and families who come from diverse backgrounds is that I get to know them and work with them in an unbiased and nonjudgemental way! I hope one day we can all live in a prejudice free and unbiased world.

I have had so challenging times during this class but with great support form my professor and colleagues, I pulled through.

I want to take the time to give a special thanks to Dr. Horton. Thank you for your understanding, feedback, advice, and words of encouragement. It was greatly appreciated.

I also want to thank group #3. We were a small group which I liked. It was more imitate and personal. I wish you all success on the rest of your educational journey and I hope I get the pleasure of working with everyone in future courses!

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    I first want to say Thank you for sharing your goals and ideas which has totally encourage me to be a bette me. How do you feel about what all is going to happen in the future when these goals are implemented??!!! I can see children learning about diversity and being excited and not focusing on the negative feed that has been given or shown thus far. Everyone is built to have their own opinion but one fact is that we all are people.
