Sunday, September 18, 2016

Communication and Culture

The way I communicate depends on my audience. 
When communicating with children, my tone of voice is passive. I also watch what I say. Children are like sponges; they absorb everything! Another thing that I like to do when talking with children is asking them open-ended questions. I want them to expand their vocabulary and I feel that yes or no questions is limiting them from that. Lastly, non verbal communication is important to use, therefore, I use facial expressions and gestures to help get my point across.

My communication is somewhat different when I talk to parents and others outside my family and friends. I am more articulate. I do not use jargon or slang. My eyes stay on my audience. I like to read the person who is listening to me. Although, I still use facial expressions and gesture, they are not as animated like when conversing with children, family and friends. I also like to be on the same level and the person I am talking with. For example, if the person is standing, I feel like I should be standing too. 

I am more relaxed when I talk to family and friends. I use a plethora of jargon and slang. I also may not be as focused as I am with children and others outside my circle. With them I do not always think about what I will say or how I will respond, I just say it. No filters are needed. I also have the tendency when talking with my family and friends who are like family to touch them. I might touch a shoulder, give a pat on the back or grab their hand to show my concern or excitement.    

Each group of people and should be treated accordingly. Tony Robbins quote pretty much sums it up:


  1. Hi,

    I agree that when communicating with young children it is much different than communicating with adults, communicating with children you do have to watch what you say all the time because they are very impressionable and tend to repeat things that they hear adults say. communicating with children can be fun because it is amazing to see what their responses will be to some things and they are so creative and animated at times so you just never know what you are going to get. I love communicating with children, I learn so much from them all the time and it is very interesting.

  2. Hi Andrea,
    Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I love the quote you posted. You're right, it really sums up what it takes to be an effective communicator. Altering our methods according to our audience is key!
