Sunday, May 29, 2016

Practicing Awareness of Microaggressions

My landlord came to pick up my rent check a couple of weeks ago. I notice she had a new hair cut. It was low on the sides and longer at the top. I really liked the new style on her and gave her compliment. She said thanks but followed with "I have to be careful with this cut because I do not want people the think I'm a "wigger"." The term "wigger" is used by white people who think other white people are trying to be a "nigger." I was in such shock about her comment it was dead silence for a moment then aha told me goodbye and left. I personality believe that since we have a very close relationship she honestly forgot that I was black or felt comfortable using that word around me. Although, I was a little bothered by this, I did not let it get to me. Sadly to say being Afroamerican, I come across this type of behavior all the time. Life is too short to stress or get upset my other's ignorance. I always say to myself, they did't know any better and move on with my life. 

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