Sunday, April 24, 2016

When I Think of Research...

The main insight that I gained from this course is research may seem challenging but with the proper tools and planning in place, researchers are able to conquer their goal. There is a plethora of information as well as past researchers that can aid in conducting an unbiased and meaningful study. The materials that were provided to us each week also helped me to better understand building research competencies. Now that I have a better understudying of all of the aspects, it is easier to compose a research paper in the early childhood field.

After taking this course, my views on research simulation and process has changed. With guidance and resources, it is not as difficult as I previous thought prior to taking the course to generate a great research paper. If everyone works together involved in the research process, one can produce to best research that will uncover and allow everyone to have a better understanding to unanswered questions, and new knowledge and insights in the early childhood field. 

Lessons about planning, designing, and conducting research in early childhood that I learned is it is important to set aside a great amount of time and plan well. There are many steps and procedures that need to be implemented in order to effectively generate and produce a study. This means the entire process from planning to designing to conducting research should produce purposeful, well designed and credible research.

Because to process to conduct a study is so detailed, at times it was changeling for me to grasp some of the information within each chapter. I would find myself rereading some of the content in order to gain a better understanding. I would also use the class discussions, the teacher's feedback and the chart we gradually built each week to assist me.  

I would like to take this time to thank everyone in this class! Thank you for your responses, insights, and the opportunity to collaborate in various research issues. I have gained so much from this class!


  1. Andrea,
    It sounds like your confidence in the research process has grown a lot with this course. Congratulations on completing another class! We are half way finished. Best of luck as you move forward on your degree. -Liz Plaskon

  2. Andrea, I enjoyed your post as I have all of them. I think we have all grown in the research area due to this class. good luck to you, and thanks for your support.
