Sunday, April 3, 2016

Research Around the World

What are some of the current international research topics?

Some current international research topics are:

In Australia,

  1. The rights and wellbeing of young children are at the forefront of social discourse and social policy.
  3. Continuous improvement in the delivery of early childhood education and care.
  4. The Early Childhood National Quality Reform Agenda continues to be implemented with increased public understanding and support.
  5. Early childhood education and care is inclusive and effective across populations of vulnerable children. 
  6. Early childhood education and care is provided by a qualified, specialized and skilled workforce
Taken from

In Africa,
  1. Indigenous language, knowledge and play

  2. Involvement of local communities, issues relating to parents, and local child rearing practices

  3. Developmental assessment

  4. Identification and inclusion of children with special needs
Taken from

What surprising facts/insights/new ideas about early childhood did you gain from exploring this international early childhood website?

According to the ECDVU News, the vast majority of materials available regarding child development and ECD are researched and authored outside of Africa—largely in the U.S(ECDVU, 2013). There are many countries like Africa have to outsource their information. The ECDVU also has interactive web-based course work as well as face-to-face seminars that lets their students have access and knowledge from other countries. Early childhood Australia focuses on the needs of children from birth to eight years old. The ECA values are based off of integrity, collaboration, leadership, inclusiveness and quality. It is also important to note that they acknowledge that strong pedagogical and courageous leadership is essential to support and promote the rights and voice of children (ECA, n.d.). Through the week's readings, it was very interesting to learn how other countries advocate and collaborate for the sake of small children.

What other noteworthy information did you find on this website?

After reviewing these sites, it is good to know other countries are placing a priority on young children's education and well being across the world. School teachers, students, and policy makers are putting in the effort to ensure that children are getting the best. 


ECA. (n.d.). Early Childhood Australia’s Advocacy - Early Childhood Australia. Retrieved from

ECDVU. (2013). ECDVU News. Retrieved from

1 comment:

  1. Andrea, I chose this website also. ECDUV is a great organization. I love that they are training and teaching leaders how to appropriately work with children because the leaders play an important role in educating children. I found it interesting that this organization holds leaders responsible for large areas of children, their families, and their well being.
