Saturday, January 9, 2016

Establishing Professional Contacts and Expanding Resources

Part 1: Establishing Professional Contacts 

For this week's assignment I have reached out to two people that may be able to assist me with international resources.

First, I have a girlfriend that lives in Germany. She has a little girl and will be asking one of her teachers if she would be interested in sharing information with me throughout this course. I also have a close friend who is from Peru and Has sent emails on my behalf to some of the early childhood educators that she knows. At this point, I have not heard a response from either party. 

These pictures were taken in 2014 when I visited Germany.

Part 2: Expanding Resources

I am a member of the Childcare Education Institute:
and The National Association for the Education of Young Children:
along with other organizations since around 2008.

Both of these sites offer a plethora of information for educators and I am torn on which one I want to focus one for this assignment.

I am very excited about these blog assignments over the next eight weeks! 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Andrea,
    It seems that you been busy trying to establish contacts outside of the country. I have also tried several routes in contacting professionals outside of the US. Hopefully someone will be able to assist me with the assignment. Like you, I have not heard anything yet. Establishing contacts outside of the country is not as easy as it seems. However, I have learned some things by reading about many countries via website.
    I wish you luck and look forward to reading your future blog post :)
