Saturday, December 19, 2015

Thank you

This has been an amazing class! I want to take the time to thank all of my colleagues for sharing their  stories and knowledge. I also want to thank you all for your inout, support and motivation. Much success to everyone on their journey!

Two people I want to especially acknowledge are:
Kelly Seay and Rayanna Tomlin

Kelly Seay each week throughout this course you have commented on my discussion posts and blogs. You have been supportive, motivational, and inspiring. Thank you, thank you thank you. 

Rayanna Tomlin, thank you for sharing your story. It takes a special kind of person to open up their home to children who need one. This is our second attempt at obtaining our master's in early childhood and we will get through this. Gook luck in the future! 

I would also like to take the time and thank Dr. E. Your shout outs kept me motivated. I was happy to receive the first one as it set the tone for my performance during this class. Thank you for being such extraordinary teacher! 

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