Saturday, October 24, 2015

When I Think of Child Development

Simply said! 
If I asked my father how to spell a word, he would always pull out the dictionary and we would look up the word together. He said this was the only way I could learn how to spell the word for myself and remember it and he was right! 
Children need us! It is our duty to involve them in their own educational journey. Play with them, read to them, cuddle with them and grow with them. Children need experiential learning! We will not always be there for them as they grow older but the stepping stone that we provide them with will last with them forever.

Thank You

Jewel Williams: Your blogs each inspired and motivated me. Thank you for being honest and open. Your story about hunger to my heart and soul. Continue to shine and stay blessed!

Dennis Thomas: Thank you for sharing your opinions with us in your blogs. Also thank you for sharing your grandfather's story with us. I wish you much success on your educational journey! 

To my class:
I wish you all good luck on your future endeavors!


  1. I really like the quote that you chose. It is so true, in everything that a child learns. The more involved they are in what they are learning the more they will know it. As I home school my children I find that the more engaged and hands on activities we do the better they learn. I have enjoyed reading your posts and wish you great success in all your future endeavors.

  2. Thank you Krystal and same to you!

  3. Hi Andrea
    I love your blog. Thanks for share our self and your wisdom with us

  4. I love the quote Andrea, it really does hold true for me. I am a visual hands on learner and if you teach me I will remember. I can never learn when someone tells me to do it. Your blog is very good. I could learn a lot from you.

  5. Love the quote too! Still trying to figure all of this out. I need some of that luck! Thanks
