Saturday, February 27, 2016

Final Blog Assignment

Last week's response from my international contact:
1. Unfortunately nothing related to quality and early childhood professionals are being discussed here.
2. At my current school there are no opportunities or requirements for professional development. the teachers must research and seek out any professional development requirements to maintain their credential in their home state.
3. One of my professional goals is to continue my education and pursue a Masters degree in Physical Education
4. I hope to continue teaching overseas and learning more about different cultures. Some of the challenges that I face include: language, learning the language in the country I live in. Culture, adjusting to cultural difference and perspectives on things that are considered rude and offensive in America. Parent interactions, talking with parents who are not familiar with the American school system and how behaviors handled and classrooms are managed to facilitate their child's education. 


Three consequences of learning about the international early childhood field for your professional and personal development:
  1. Staying connected to our international contacts helps us as educators globally enhance our knowledge in this field. In this profession, it is vital that we stay abrupt on issues for the greater good of the child in our care. As professionals in the education field it is also our duty to be life long learners.
  2. Sharing information with my contact from Germany, I learned the importance of integrating culture into my classroom. Today's class is so diverse and it is important to exchange stories and views to better understand backgrounds and build relationships with children and their families.
  3. Every child matters all around the world. As educators, we must use our research and findings to help all children receive the education they deserve. 
I would love to one day join a global team that works on improving the school system in the early childhood field in different countries. This my include but is not limited to: working to produce high quality teachers and schools, developing standards and creating curriculums. 


  1. Hi Andrea,
    I have enjoy reading your blogs the past eight weeks. I have learned a lot from your international contact. You statement that you made “that every child matter, and that as an educator we must use our research and find ways to help all children receive the education they deserve”. As an educator I will try my best to live up to that statement for all children. I hope that your dream come true to join a global team to improve the high quality teaching and school for all children throughout the world. I wish you the best in your next class. Kathie

  2. Thank you Kathie for your inspiring words. Best of luck to you as well.
