Saturday, April 12, 2014

My Supports

I am so blessed to have supportive people in my life!
I surround myself with positive people that provide encouragement and emotional help. They are there to pick me up when I fall and embrace me when I  am feeling down. They motivate me to be the best (Mother, Teacher, Friend, and soon to be wife) I can be.
Let me introduce some of my great supporters:    
My parents are my rock. They have supported me since day one! I have an amazing relationship with my parents. They are my backbone. No matter how big or small my problem is they are right there,  My mother and I work together at the family daycare. She is my biggest cheerleader. She encourages me to face to unknown. Her words of encouragement are so powerful: "If you don't try you will never know" "Be a leader not a follower."  My favorite one is "pray about it, give it to God and watch him work." My dad is my go-to guy. In my eyes, my father has all the answers to life's questions. It is hard to put in words to motivator that he is to me. I try not to let a day go by without talking to him. When I call him or he calls me, we say "that's wired I was just about to call you." It is also eerie that every time I am in a situation or I am feeling down, I get a call from him. It is like he knows I need him at that moment. My parents stills watch over me, protect me and guide me. I would not have it any other way, Because of them I consider myself to be a very supportive friend.

My friends are the best group of girls any female could ask for. We support each other. They are my outlet. I cry, they cry. I laugh, they laugh, I hurt, they hurt. I can pick up the phone at any time and they are there for me. I think they play a vital role in my life. It is nothing like surrounding yourself with good people. The type of people that hold you up not put you down. Friends that love to see you doing well and enjoying what life has to offer. I would be lost without these girls. 

My fiance' is my rib. Together we are raising three beautiful children. He completes me. The support that we display to one another is healthy and unconditional. He is always willing to "go the extra mile" for us. He  protects us and we feel safe and warm. Feeling this ways makes it easier to run a household. I am so blessed he is in my life.
My co-workers and I are a TEAM. We listen to one another and share ideas. I believe that you have to have a great support system when you work with children. Our staff is not only colleagues, we are family and friends. We have each others backs and provide help when needed. If we did not have this type of atmosphere at the center, I think we would not  have an effective daycare. Children do what they see and say what they hear. This is why is it important to lead by example!

I would like to thank all of my supporters past and present!


  1. Andrea,

    Thanks for sharing your support group. After thinking about the significance of having a support groups it can make a difference in a persons life. You seem to have great support all the way around. I don't know what it would be like not to have a support group. Thanks for sharing your story on what each of these support groups offer you.

  2. Andrea,
    I think that it is outstanding that you consider your spouse as you rib. I think that my spouse is my rib also. She does very much around the house and my children as well. I think that it is a good concept to surround yourself with positive people and that provide encouragement and emotional to you. I think that it is great that you all are raising three beautiful children and have unconditional love and support. My souse completes me as well. I think that it is great that your spouse is always willing to "go the extra mile" for you and that he protects you all and there is a feeling of safety and warmth in the home. I agree this makes it easier to run a household and you are very blessed with a great spouse.

  3. Hi Andrea,
    It's awesome to be blessed with such a supportive support group. I think some times we take the people who are closet to us for granted not realizing how amazing they are and how they are there for us on a daily basis.
