Sunday, March 16, 2014

Relationship Reflection

Ever since I can remember, I have been building strong and positive relationships. I owe all the credit to my family. Meet my mother, she  is one of sixteen.

Yes sixteen!!! (four are deceased)
They all get along and love one another unconditionally. On occasion they may argue or disagree but always make up.My grandparents were amazing people. They instilled in their children that it is vital to stay connected and have each others backs.  My mother is one of my best friends. Ruth and I do everything together! We currently work together. Her and her sister (Pat) own and operate a day care center. I love my job because surrounded by family and co-workers whom have become family. We all want to best for the children and work hard as a team to ensure that this happens.
This photo of my coworkers/family was taken last Halloween!
 My father (photo'd above with my children) is the oldest out of his siblings. His name is Leonard but everyone calls him "Lenny." My dad is AWESOME!! (My friends will get that!)  My parents separated when I was two years old. Although I lived  with my mother. My dad was very active in my life. I am truly a "daddy's girl" and would not have it any other way. My father is my biggest cheerleader! His motto is "Life is good."  He is my outlet. I can call or go and visit him and we can talk for hours. Lenny has a sister and two brothers. His father passed away when is ten but I remember the times he would pick me up and we would just hangout. My grandfather always worked but he found the time to bond with me and build a relationship that I will never forget. My dad's mother is the only grandparent I have left and boy is she an amazing women! After church today, my children and I gave her a visit. She greeted us at the door with big hugs and kisses. She is probably one of the first people I developed a relationship with.
Taken today at Grandma's

Last but my least, my friends! They are the true definition of friendship. We have grown together, supported each other, cried on shoulders, laughed uncontrollably, and vaction frequently together. Many people say that a true friend is hard to come by, well I'm blessed to call several people mine. The friendships that I have with them are all different but we all trust and loved each other unconditionally.
This picture was taken last year at my birthday weekend celebration!

As I look forward, I want to set a good example for my children of what it is to be a true friend. I want them to know that everybody that they might think is their friend may not be. I also want them to  able to tell the difference.
Meet my trio: Ashton/7, Cailah/6, & Courtney/2
Their father and I meet in High School but didn't date. I ran back into him about ten years ago and we have been together ever since. Next year we are getting married and I cant wait. Our friendship is very genuine. Him and I know that we are role models for our children so we act and communicate accordingly.
Through the years I have come across some people that called themselves my friend but instead they tried to use me or hold me back for their own personal advantages. These type of people only made me stronger and if I didn't have them in my life at some point to show me how to not be that type of friend, I would not be the women I am today!  


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