Saturday, May 17, 2014

What Children Need Most....

Yup, this pretty much sums it up! Give a child guidance but let them lead the way. Children want to explore their world and I am their to support and encourage their journey. I take the time to show them I care and appreciate them. The reward of displaying this type of behavior listed in this quote is glorifying. Helping children is what I live for and making sure I can aid in their growth leaves a soft spot in my heart!

Ashton the Artist

Drawing By Curtis "Ashton" (Age 7)
My Son loves to draw and he lives to play soccer!

He drew me this picture today after their last game of the season. He can not wait for the fall season to start already. They are undefeated! Their game this morning ended early due to the fact that they scored eight goals and the other team did not have any. He eats, sleeps and breaths this sports. When you see my son, he is always carrying or kicking a soccer ball.
(Meet the Pink Panthers and their coach. Ashton is in the front to the right of his coach and his sister is next to him.)
I love when children draw. It is their opportunity to express themselves in a nonverbal way. They can be creative and tell about their work in a way that makes them feel as ease and more open to communicate with others, especially teachers.

Me When I Was Three

As I look at this this picture, I see all three of my children in it. My son has my eyes. My middle child makes the same funny expressions like this one. And my baby girl has my lips and nose. AMAZING!
This was my third birthday party. I do not remember a thing from this day, so I asked my dad. He informed me that I was a very busy young lady and I demanded all of the attention in the room at all times. My cousins, aunts, uncles, parents and grandparents all gathered on this day to celebrate my birthday. My family is pretty huge, so nothing is ever a small get to gather. He also explained when it was time to sing Happy Birthday and cut the cake, I became shy. Hence this crazy pose and look on my face! 
Pictures are a great way to hold on to your memories (even if you don't remember them). They are also great conversation starters. I enjoyed the things my father could recall from the photo.